Democide - A Formal Study of American Politics and Culture (Review)

29/03/2019 Reviews Share

Democide - A Formal Study of American Politics and Culture (Review)

Band: Democide
Location: Illinois, US
Genre: Grindcore/Powerviolence
Release date: March 2nd 2019



Goddamn. When I saw the title, I thought for a moment that I stumbled upon some scientific paper about grindcore. And boy, was I wrong. Democide is a grindcore/powerviolence trio from Illinois.  In the past, they released an album called No Sir, I don’t Like it with a hilarious album cover, probably made in Microsoft paint.  The moment you look at the album cover, you know what you’ll get – a Trump-headed trout swallowing Hillary Clinton with black-and-white kids with X markers on their eyes pledging allegiance to the flag „standing” on some mutilated body, with a newspaper on the right with The President is Dead headline.  And then you push the play button and hear Trump saying: And then I tweeted “it’s illegal! We’re tired of the nice people…’Cause they’re stupid…Terrible people…Unbelievable people are coming… They’re coming from all over the world….Total Control…Ding Ding, Bong bong, Bing Bing Bing…Now, here’s the good news! I probably tweet… It’s a question…. Ding Ding, bong, bong, bong…It’s a question…But What Do I know?...We will have no choice, but to totally destroy American dream! Totally Destroy American Dream! DEAD!


And the power surge coming in the form of an unstoppable force starts roaring from the stereo. The song titles such as: The Alt-Right Bred Like Cattle, Deportation Daycare, The CIA are good Cobblers if You Like Toe Cancer, Generational Domestic Abuse, Supreme Court Roofie Party, I’ve got a Glock in My Hello Kitty Lunchbox, Fast Food Last Supper will give you an idea of what’s exactly going on throughout this 22-minute-long release, both lyrically and musically. Bunch of blast beats, hysterical Japanese hardcore vocals inbred with the finest Brutal Truth-like growls will probably make your hair fall off if you’re not ready for music like this. One of band’s vocalists  (they’re all “singing”) remind me of a metal version of Arab on RadarThe Chinese Stars’ vocalist  Eric Paul which is a good thing from the start. The doomy riff in Deportation Daycare will get your ears a couple of seconds of peace before the avalanche of craziness starts storming your house. If your paintings don’t start falling from the wall, I must inform you that you have a bad stereo.  Talking about all the songs in-detail is kind of a stupid thing to do for a grindcore record, so we’ll highlight the best moments. Shoot First, Ask Later news report is interrupted by some tasty-sounding bass riff which time and time again transcends into a bloodsucking grindcore hellhole that disappears just like a flash of lightning. DIY Abortion Beach Party incorporates this summer-like Dead Kennedys vibe that accidentally ends up with screeching as the guy is being skinned alive. And basically I described all their songs in one sentence! HAHA! And yeah, the album has tons of samples from a bunch of people which is a routine thing in grindcore that never gets old. I Force Fed Jimmy John His Entire Family has a paradigm shift in terms of vocals, ‘cause the deep growls start kicking in loud! With an elderly-people  disco riff in the background. There’s plenty of space for headbanging for a song of that duration….Disfish Can’t Swim  is a drum & bass only track with demonic Death Grips vocals blabbing some nonsense (probably). The CIA are Good Cobblers if You Like Toe Cancer starts with some sample about dart pistols whose toxins cannot be traced in the victims body. And yes, this is one of those songs that you wanna hear live at Obscene Extreme festival wearing a costume of your choice. Generational Domestic Abuse has some demonic barking synced with hysterical vocals of Mr. XYZ.  Fast Food Last Supper starts with some Trump’s nonsensical speech. The song itself is pretty raw and wild (aren’t they all just like that?). Incel Roadrage Killed My Grandma  is based on a true event in which some idiot killed a bunch of people because he got rejected by women. And this song brought some really tasty riffs on the table! Chewbacca (Supernova cover) is one of those moments when awkward vocals kick in, the kind of vocals you always wanted to hear on this album…

Well, Democide’s A Formal Study of American Politics and Culture is a pretty neat, original and fun album to listen to. Pretty damn refreshing stuff in the sea of mediocrity that surrounds our everyday life. I must confess that this album is the best thing to listen to while fishing. And I almost forgot, who the hell is reading nonsense like this?

Rating: Fabulous


GWAA (guitars, vocals)
TOAST (bass, vocals)
Wizard (Drums, vocals)

Recorded, mixed and mastered by Nick Feltes at Introspect Studios Chicago, II

Album cover by: NEVER Collage

Logo By TOAST 

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