Full of Hell’s Weeping Choir is a sonic counterpart of a black hole turned upside down! (Review)

25/05/2019 Reviews Share

Full of Hell’s Weeping Choir is a sonic counterpart of a black hole turned upside down!

Band: Full of Hell
Location: US
Genre: Grindcore
Album: Wheeping Choir
Release date: May 17th 2019
Record Label: Relapse Records

May 2019! As we are all anxiously awaiting the new Deathspell Omega & Death Angel albums we couldn’t resist to review the latest Full of Hell album – Weeping Choir released on May 17th via Relapse Records.  And make no mistake, Full of Hell are on the forefront of grindcore. This band gave the genre a fresh, unique sound that shifts from pure noise to death metal and finally, grindcore.

What I really love about Full of Hell is the fact that they never release an album longer than 30 minutes. And this time, we get 24 minutes of absolute, back-breaking material! Their 4th studio album consists of 11 wicked songs that will make your hair fall off faster than usual! The album is opened by the track Burning Myrrh that was previously released as a video.  And it starts like a Portal-sounding downward spiral that keeps on crushing more and more as the seconds go by. And yeah, the riffs even get that black metal flavor! Spencer Hazard keeps on delivering the goods! When it comes to vocals, Dylan Walker is routinely killing it! His ghoulish vocals are in league with himself only…the guy is simply one of the most brutal frontmen of all time! The whole band is simply killing it!  And not to mention the breakdown that throws all these fancy pants deathcore bands into the abyss! Haunted Arches starts with these rancid screams and is a more of a straight forward 1:08 minutes track. Dylan has vocal chords of steel, I tell you that! The riffs are catchy and the drums merciless! The noisy guitar leak might remind you of something coming out of Behold the Arctopus’ polite-sounding opus (without arpeggios). Thundering Hammers is a headbanging one as the title suggests! This evil driven  repetitive death metal riff is just badass! Simple but on spot! Rainbow Coil is a bit longer than the rest of the tracks (a whopping 3 minutes!) This is actualy the band’s noise orgy at its finest! And Spencer and Dylan are doing it in their own way! You really have to hear them doing things like that live (heard it at Exit festival)!

Aria of Jeweled Tears starts with machine gun-sounding noise and then all of a sudden transforms into a sonic hellhound that’s about to jump on your back! And when you think that you’ve heard everythng from Dylan, he digs deeper in his grinding lunacy! Come on, he sounds as if you sewn together Nazgul, The Mouth of Sauron and a gas mask guy from Dismember’s The God that Never Was album cover in one single monster! The track has this almost marching beat sequence  and then, out of nowhere Dylan delivers one of his sickest sreams! Downward starts with a tasty riff and then the duelling  growl vomitory of Dylan Walker and Sam DiGristine begins raping your ears! And you gotta love the way these guys fill in their vocal counterpart! Dylan has more ghoulish, ear piercing style while Sam’s vox are whole lotta deeper and growlier! And for the record, the song kinda gets nerfed and calmer for 15 seconds and then again switches to death metal style. Armory of Obsidian Glass is a Sun O)))-esque drone track. The slow riffs are perfectly paired with crushing growls  and some unarticulated ghastly vocal part. And ladies and gentlemen! 6 minutes song! Full of Hell have broken their record with this song! The track ends with melancholic clean riff that all of the sudden becomes melodic and distorted with choral singing on top.Silmaril is the real deal! Pure in-your-face death metal pummeling! And this song irresistably reminds of Dying Fetus, especially the chugging part with all the elements of Full of Hell songs.  The last 15 seconds are beyond brutal if you ask me! Angel Gather Here starts with a theatrical vocal attack of our 2 nasty growlers. The tune itself has some drone breaks and occasional noise attacks as well. Ygramul the Many is like some sort of whirlwind that sucks your face in and launches you out headless! And the drum whipping contributes to the overall madness going on in this short but sweet gargantuan track. Swarming noise coming out of the guitar is making the song even more schizophrenic along with the saxophone solo brought to you by Sam DiGristine. The last track, Cellar of Doors is a nice way to say goodbye to the listeners! And this tune is astoundingly brutal to say the least! This one will surely throw you into a possessed headbanging mode!

Full of Hell’s Weeping Choir is a sonic counterpart of an upside-down black hole! And it’s up to you to imagine  what that thing will do to you (Lovecraft-style ending, eh?)! The band had stood up with the pace of brutality of the previous record Trumpeting Ecstacy, and made a huge leap forward with the latest release, deepening the omnipresent angst, madness and ghoul infested atmosphere onto our blood-filled ears! The only bad thing about this album is that the bass is burried in the mix (old news for most of the bands). And my frustrations are growing stronger on a daily basis with this phenomenon.  However, Kurt Ballou (Converge mastermind) did a great job as the producer of this album. Full of Hell is one of these bands that we put a watchful eye on for reasons that cannot be denied by the fact that these guys are masters in what they’re doing best – bringing forth the nastiest, noisiest and yet always genuine music on the table!  Full of Hell’s Wheeping Choir is one of the best metal releases in 2019, I tell you that!

Rating: 8,4/10

Links: https://fullofhell.bandcamp.com/

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